An ongoing project where i want to show spectacle of emotions by experimenting with colors, composition, and textures.
I always have fascination over colors and thought that if there's a world inside my mind, it will be a white space with floating colorful blobs that flows and moves as if they're following my emotions. In the middle of that colorful world, there's little me wandering around with my black dog. 
I created this project to explore my own emotion and understand myself better, and i wish to develop this project furthermore into a medium where i will able to share my stories through this bizarre yet comforting world of mine.
I decided to turn the illustration into a mural work in my bedroom wall. I collaborated with Produksi Dari Hati to documented the process of the mural.
Blue is the most common color.
Uncertainty, Hope, Numbness
I found the color blue to be the most familiar yet bleak color. Like how boundless the blue sky and sea, the color blue shows no limit on how it could represent emotions.
Red, the despicable color.
Rage, Disappointment, Sadness
Red is the color that i tend to avoid the most. One of the loudest color there is, and  specifically existed to grab your attention. The color red respresent emotion that you will face with deep ambivalence.
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